The Art of Aging Gracefully: Issue 1
We live in a culture obsessed with youth. From “30 Under 30” lists to anti-aging cosmetics and fitness programs that promise to help you feel like your youngest self again, society constantly reinforces the notion that getting older is a bad thing. Aging, it seems, is something the modern woman should strive to avoid at all costs.
Too often, this narrative blinds us. We are made to feel that growing older—a natural biological process—is synonymous with losing our relevance. The result is a harmful mindset that fights against nature. Instead of contributing to conversations that vilify aging, we at KiraGrace want to open up a new dialogue: today, let’s talk about aging gracefully.
We had the pleasure of sitting down with Global Ambassador Desiree Rumbaugh to get her take on the matter and dispel some damaging myths about aging. We loved hearing Desiree’s thoughts on rethinking the aging process, how yoga can help, and what it truly means to “age gracefully.”

KG — What does "Aging Gracefully" mean to you?
At the ripe young age of 60, aging gracefully means accepting the natural process of growing older and allowing my body and face to change over time. It also means making the necessary changes to keep myself as healthy as possible.
This is challenging for some. We often hear people say, “Life is short, eat the cake!” However, I’ve learned that I can slow the aging process by increasing my yoga and workout intensity, adopting new self-care rituals, and cleaning up my diet. I’m very active, playing with my grandchildren and traveling to teach yoga workshops on weekends. To stay balanced, I prioritize self-care and sleep.
KG — How do you think society affects the way we feel about aging?
Society has always glorified youth in advertising, making many of us feel invisible after midlife. The good news is that society, including Hollywood, is finally waking up and making changes. I’m noticing more movies, shows, and advertisements featuring people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. This is a positive sign.
KG — Do you think there is a difference in the way we talk about men aging versus women?
Definitely! Men with gray hair are often seen as silver foxes, while women with gray hair are told they look old or tired. I still go to the hair salon because I’m not ready to let my hair show its age. Many beautiful women embrace their silver hair, and my plan is to wait until I have more white hair and then style it creatively.
Historically, older men have been valued more highly. Thankfully, older women are now taking on leadership roles in various industries. I believe in the Dalai Lama’s prediction: "The world will be saved by the Western Woman..."
KG — How can we support one another as we age?
Knowing that we’re not alone is comforting. It’s important to have friends our own age who share our interests and can listen and offer advice. I also enjoy spending time with friends twenty years younger and older than me. Sharing our experiences about careers, relationships, health, and hobbies helps us realize we’re not alone in facing life’s challenges.
KG — What is one misconception about aging you wish you could dispel?
That it’s a downhill slide. This hasn’t been my experience at all! I feel like a much-improved version of my former self. However, this doesn’t happen by accident; it requires effort. We must take care of ourselves on many levels—emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. I have a supportive network of friends, family, health practitioners, and counselors. It truly takes a village.
KG — In your experience, what role does yoga and mindful movement play in the aging process?
Yoga helps develop self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-love. While it’s a humbling practice, being fully invested in our journey increases our self-esteem, confidence, and empowerment. We learn to set healthy boundaries and make good choices. Because yoga makes us more sensitive and honest, we become more aware of our overall well-being, leading to greater happiness.
KG — What’s one positive thing to keep in mind about growing older?
Growing older simply means more birthdays, which gives you a broader perspective on life. It’s an opportunity to live your life again with the wisdom gained over the years. While you can’t literally redo your life, maintaining a youthful, holistic attitude allows you to navigate the rest of your life with maturity and insight.

KG — What do you think when you see yourself changing over time?
I still see the 20-something with a twinkle in her eye smiling back at me. She’s saying, “Keep up the good work, and keep having fun."
KG — How can we discuss aging gracefully to avoid it feeling like a taboo topic?
We can be excited about our learnings, future travels, or new friendships! While people often complain about aging, it may stem from feeling unseen or unneeded. Rather than feeling invisible or overlooked, I plan to stay creative and engaged in life, making valuable contributions. I can’t be a has-been if I keep reinventing myself.
KG — Do you have any mantras or inspirations regarding aging?
Here’s a great mantra:
“Do not grow old no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.” - Albert Einstein
Having role models is important as they show us what’s possible. Here are a few of mine, in no particular order:
- Ernestine Shepherd, 83 years old, still lifting weights and inspiring many.
- Tao Porchon Lynch, 101, still teaching yoga and dancing.
- Mimi Kirk, 81, author of eight health books, still traveling and living vibrantly.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 86, a legendary leader in the fight for women’s equality.
- Jane Fonda, 81, an actress and activist who speaks her mind.